Local Students

For local students interested in making an exchange, there are a few steps to follow common to all trips abroad that should be taken into account when planning your trip. Firstly it is advisable to consult about the offer of scholarships available in the Faculty of Economics. 

In addition, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) offers airfare benefits for studying abroad. For more information access the official website: http://argentina.iom.int/co/como-solicitar-beneficios-en-pasajes.

What is a student academic mobility?

In which a student attends a quater / semester of his/her career in a Universities abroad with which UNICEN has an agreement with the possibility of academic recognition.

Students should consult the List of Conventions in force with which UNICEN has collaboration agreements, it may be requested by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Once the destination university is selected, contact will be made with the International Relations area of the University of destination, who will be asked for specific forms and requirements in order to be able to have a study stay there.

It is advisable that the student has investigated the lists of courses of related careers. This will simplify the process of authorization of the courses taken, which consists of a previous interpretation of the responsible professor to ensure the possibility of equivalence. This will allow the student to continue advancing in his career and to know the different methods of teaching as well as to meet with different cultures.

Requirements for an exchange:

It is necessary to be a student enrolled in the Faculty of Economics for the academic cycle in which the exchange will be requested. At the same time, it is advaisable to be an advanced studient in the careers of Public Accounting, Administration or in Business Economics attending courses of at least 3 or 4 year. Although it is not an exclusive requirement, it is recommended to have prior knowledge of the language of the destination country.

Requirements for traveling abroad:

You must have a Valid Passport, the same can be processed in the Civil Registry of "25 de Mayo 650" or "Quintana 648". For more information on costs and delivery times, go to the following page www.argentina.gob.ar/tramitar-el-pasaporte.

In some countries it's necessary to process the Student Visa specifically for the entry and stay in the country of destination. The list with the countries that require a visa is available in the area of internationalization of the Faculty, to request it please communicate with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. As for Spain, it is necessary to carry out the procedure in the Spanish Consulate, not being able to request it in advance more than three months before the beginning of the course. (Applications will not be accepted if there is more than three months to start the studies). For more information access: www.cgeonline.com.ar.

In all exchange situations that are carried out through a collaboration agreement with the host university, the Faculty of Cs. Economics guarantees the benefit of the tariff exemption at the destination University. However, each student is personally responsible for contracting a compulsory medical insurance to perform the academic exchange.

Estudiantes de Económicas beneficiarios de Becas ISIC - Banco Galicia

El pasado viernes 20 de octubre se realizó en la Facultad de Cs. Económicas, las entrevistas correspondientes a la convocatoria de Becas "ISIC - Banco Galicia. Estudiantes de Grado 2017-2018", de la cual resultaron beneficiarios Célica Bianchi, Emilio Allende y Camila Aldazabal con la oportunidad de realizar un intercambio en las afueras de Paris en la Université Paris Est-Creteil. 

Estudiante Pasante de Económicas con experiencia internacional

Matias Melo fue un estudiante pasante durante 18 meses en la empresa Elebar de la ciudad de Tandil. Luego realizó una experiencia internacional, la cual aún sigue transitando.

Durante el año 2016 estuvo viajando por 6 meses desde Tucumán hasta Quito, teniendo su primera experiencia de viaje internacional. Luego volvió a Pinamar - Argentina, para trabajar en la temporada y así poder ahorrar para su próximo viaje que tuvo como primer destino las Cataratas del Iguazú.

Beneficiarios Becas Santander Universidades. Estudiantes de grado 2017-2018

En el marco de la Convocatoria “Becas Iberoamérica. Santander Universidades. Estudiantes de grado 2017-2018" fueron seleccionados como beneficiarios dos destacados estudiantes de Económicas. ¡¡Felicitamos a Manuela Nardin y Maximiliano López Salgado beneficiarios de la Beca Iberoamericana Santander Universidades 2017-2018!!