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It is the addition of international experience in the professional profile of the student through instances of exchanges.


Promote exchange projects for foreign and local students. Develop and disseminate the universal culture.


To be a student
To be in third or fourth year
To have knowledge of languages



  • New Call

    Open the call to students from foreign countries, interested in studying a semester in the UNICEN and make internships in technology or agricultural companies and NGO's of the region.


    A project that seeks to describe the facilities and offers held by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of UNICEN. As well as highlight the sociocultural and geographical peculiarities of Argentina and Tandil.


Estudiantes de Económicas beneficiarios de Becas ISIC - Banco Galicia

El pasado viernes 20 de octubre se realizó en la Facultad de Cs. Económicas, las entrevistas correspondientes a la convocatoria de Becas "ISIC - Banco Galicia. Estudiantes de Grado 2017-2018", de la cual resultaron beneficiarios Célica Bianchi, Emilio Allende y Camila Aldazabal con la oportunidad de realizar un intercambio en las afueras de Paris en la Université Paris Est-Creteil. 

Estudiante Pasante de Económicas con experiencia internacional

Matias Melo fue un estudiante pasante durante 18 meses en la empresa Elebar de la ciudad de Tandil. Luego realizó una experiencia internacional, la cual aún sigue transitando.

Durante el año 2016 estuvo viajando por 6 meses desde Tucumán hasta Quito, teniendo su primera experiencia de viaje internacional. Luego volvió a Pinamar - Argentina, para trabajar en la temporada y así poder ahorrar para su próximo viaje que tuvo como primer destino las Cataratas del Iguazú.

Beneficiarios Becas Santander Universidades. Estudiantes de grado 2017-2018

En el marco de la Convocatoria “Becas Iberoamérica. Santander Universidades. Estudiantes de grado 2017-2018" fueron seleccionados como beneficiarios dos destacados estudiantes de Económicas. ¡¡Felicitamos a Manuela Nardin y Maximiliano López Salgado beneficiarios de la Beca Iberoamericana Santander Universidades 2017-2018!!

  • International Week

    The International Week is an annual event that takes place continuously in the UNICEN. This event takes place over a whole week and it deals with various topics of global relevance.

Open the call to students from foreign countries, interested in studying a semester in the UNICEN and make internships in technology or agricultural companies and NGO's of the region.

The call is open to foreign students who wish to apply for partial scholarships in order to take part in an exchange in a prestigious Latin American university. These are intended for universities in other countries with which UNICEN has agreements. The Secretariat of Extension and International Relations looks for these instances because they consider them of great value, given the possibility that it offers students to guide their vocation, consolidating a critical vision in the construction of knowledge.


The objective is to strengthen the relationship and projection actions of UNICEN together with the universities with which there is an established collaboration agreement. By giving foreign students the opportunity to carry out an experiential and academic experience in a prestigious Latin American university. The scholarship holders will have the possibility of taking a semester in the UNICEN taking courses related to management, economics and / or finance and forming part of a cultural immersion program that includes the opportunity to carry out various cultural and volunteer activities

Benefits for Foreign Students

Foreign students will have the benefit of having a free education, in a National University of the Argentine Republic of high recognition that has academic excellence, research, extension, technology transfer and services for a comprehensive education of their students. Which is the priority objective of this House of Studies that for more than three decades works for the formation of the new generations.

What degree courses does the Faculty offers?

Certified Public Accountant.
Degree in administration.
Bachelor in Business Economics.

Students will have the opportunity to do a practice in a company (which can be either a Technology company or an Agribusiness) or the possibility of getting to know a NGO in the region, such as the well-known Food Bank.


The scholarship will grant benefits in food, subsidies in transportation from the city to the university campus, the possibility of carrying out a pre-professional practice in an agricultural and / or technological enterprise and the opportunity to carry out a solidary practice in non-profit organizations of the city.

- Benefits in food.
- Subsidio en transporte.
- Práctica en empresas Agropecuarias y Tecnológicas.
- Prácticas en ONG's.
- Oferta Cultural: Práctica de tango, aprender a realizar un asado, práctica de diferentes deportes, aprender castellano.

Estudiantes de Económicas beneficiarios de Becas ISIC - Banco Galicia

El pasado viernes 20 de octubre se realizó en la Facultad de Cs. Económicas, las entrevistas correspondientes a la convocatoria de Becas "ISIC - Banco Galicia. Estudiantes de Grado 2017-2018", de la cual resultaron beneficiarios Célica Bianchi, Emilio Allende y Camila Aldazabal con la oportunidad de realizar un intercambio en las afueras de Paris en la Université Paris Est-Creteil. 

Estudiante Pasante de Económicas con experiencia internacional

Matias Melo fue un estudiante pasante durante 18 meses en la empresa Elebar de la ciudad de Tandil. Luego realizó una experiencia internacional, la cual aún sigue transitando.

Durante el año 2016 estuvo viajando por 6 meses desde Tucumán hasta Quito, teniendo su primera experiencia de viaje internacional. Luego volvió a Pinamar - Argentina, para trabajar en la temporada y así poder ahorrar para su próximo viaje que tuvo como primer destino las Cataratas del Iguazú.

Beneficiarios Becas Santander Universidades. Estudiantes de grado 2017-2018

En el marco de la Convocatoria “Becas Iberoamérica. Santander Universidades. Estudiantes de grado 2017-2018" fueron seleccionados como beneficiarios dos destacados estudiantes de Económicas. ¡¡Felicitamos a Manuela Nardin y Maximiliano López Salgado beneficiarios de la Beca Iberoamericana Santander Universidades 2017-2018!!